Edinburgh to Carlisle Removals and Carlisle to Edinburgh Removals

If you've used 1stMovers' Edinburgh to Carlisle removals service, you may want to visit the Citadel in your new home town. (Public domain photo.)

Comparing companies providing Edinburgh to Carlisle removals, or Carlisle to Edinburgh removals? May we suggest ourselves?

1stMovers offers an excellent Carlisle-Edinburgh home removals service, with a few useful extras, as you’ll see from what follows below.

Once you’ve read what we can do, contact us online or dial 0131 3321373 for a free quote. We think you’ll find this very attractive!

Stress-free house-moving with our Edinburgh to Carlisle/Carlisle to Edinburgh removals service

Whether you’re moving north or south – Carlisle to Edinburgh, or Edinburgh to Carlisle – you can expect a truly professional service from 1stMovers. Please check the information below before looking for a man with a van from Carlisle to Edinburgh (or in the opposite direction). We are a professional company happy to assist for the same price or even less sometimes.

We turn up on time, follow instructions to the letter, and prioritise the care of our customers’ possessions. We also believe in communication. This means we won’t leave you guessing what’s happened if we run into a tailback on the roads. Furthermore, we’ll keep you informed so that you’ll have good idea when your things will arrive at your new home.

Our experienced and friendly staff are fit and strong. Don’t be shy to ask them to move your stuff and place the items exactly where you want them. We’re not happy with our job until you are!

Edinburgh-Carlisle move complicated by property chain issues? Let us organise storage!

A useful add-on to Edinburgh to Carlisle removals service (or the one going the other way) is our storage option.

A useful extra to our Carlisle to Edinburgh removals service (or Edinburgh to Carlisle removals service) is our integrated storage option. This comes into play when you have to vacate one property before the other is available.

We take all the hassle of booking interim storage away from you. We also look after moving your boxes, furniture or other possessions to and from the excellent storage facilities we’ll arrange!

This time- and energy-saving service is surprisingly affordable, too! Ask about it online, or phone 0131 3321373 to discuss what we can do.


Carlisle to Edinburgh removals/Edinburgh to Carlisle removals? Yes, and deliveries/collections along the route too!

It’s easy to focus on one’s main objective – moving home from Edinburgh to Carlisle, or vice versa – and neglect to consider other things one might do at the same time.

We’d like to suggest that you consider using the large 1stMovers lorry you’ll be hiring to help you give unwanted items to friends and family! For a very reasonable extra fee, we could deliver items on or near the route between Carlisle and Edinburgh. Obviously, we could collect things for too. It’s an idea, anyway!


Edinburgh to Carlisle/Carlisle to Edinburgh Removals

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Carlisle-Edinburgh piano and office removals, and more

Our Ireland to Edinburgh removals services includes pianos.

Edinburgh to Carlisle

We help those moving from Carlisle to Edinburgh or moving from Edinburgh to Carlisle, whether it’s homes or office removals! We also offer a professional piano removal service, and our packing and cleaning services can relieve much of the stress from moving!

If there’s anything else you’d like us to do for you, please ask. We’ll do our best to please!

Call now on 0131 3321373 to get a free and competitive quote for your Edinburgh to Carlisle or Carlisle to Edinburgh move. (You can also use our Online Enquiry Form). You won’t regret it.

May your move go amazingly well, whether it’s north or south you’re heading. If you hire 1stMovers, the chances of this are good!


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0131 3321373